Winter Gather 08; drawn by Ty

Dragon's Name: Azar (Means "fire" in Persian)

Gender: female

Species: Yule Log Dragon

Parents: Unknown

Size: 15 feet long

Color: Black W/ fire

Basic Personality: Dreamy, Cute, Brash, Insucure, Show Off

Abilities: Fire control. Impervious to fire. Telepathic speech.

Physical Weaponry: Razor-sharp claws. Fire.


Dragon's Name: Oskay Chxalli

Gender: male

Species: Fireling

Parents: Unknown

Size: 7' at the shoulder, 17.5' long

Color: Silver

Basic Personality: Cheerful, Unflappable

Abilities: Psionics (Telepathy, Teleportation, Telekinesis), Shifting (Unlimited), Bilocation, Fire Affinity, Fire Control, Light Affinity, Light Control, Natural Immortality, Spirit Force, Temperature Control, Acid Spit, Water Majyck, Plane-Shifting, Chaos Control

Burns: Carbon (Coal, Gasoline, Methane, etc. must be consumed to fuel flames)

Story: Coming soon.