Dragon's Name: Iadi Egretudo

Caretaker: Akemi Inari

Gender: Male

Species: Askan/Hathian/Piralan/Gryvern/Lesser Kynnese/Schatternaki/Geperna/Whorling/Featherdragon/Old World/Danachian/SCD/Iullerbrillan Mutt

Height: 17' to head

Length: 40' noise to tail

Color: Warm White (With black boots)

Basic Personality: Hedonist, Clever

Abilities: Full Shifting (Human), Telepathy, Functional Magic, Magic Affinity

Caretaker: Akemi Inari
Gender: Male
Species: Fox Shifter
Appearance: Akemi is a black-fox by nature, but he has the ability to shift into a white humanoid. This humanoid shape is more elfin then human, as Akemi has pointed features and a whisp-like build. Usually he only shifts once in a very long while; most of the time he takes the shape of an unremarkable black fox.
Basic Personality: A trickster with a good heart, Akemi likes to get tangled up in the lives of strangers in trouble. He's incredibly clever and enjoys toying with people before helping them, but never does he offer help in exchange for money or praise. He's completely independent that way: he becomes greatly embarrassed and shamed if ever he finds himself needing help from another.